Three ways to train your mind for your job search
Finding a job is a job within itself, and you must have to correct mindset before going on this journey. Most people find themselves in panic mode when looking for a job because there's some financial stopwatch that's ticking away. I've been there before, so I understand that you must secure the right opportunity asap. However, before starting your job search today take some time out and read three things you and do differently today that will get you in the right mindset on your job search journey.
Ask for specific guidance - I 150% believe in GOD, and what he can provide if you ask so before your search as for the proper direction to lead you to the right opportunities you sound go after and more importantly, which ones not to. Doing this will give you more insight and not waste your time binding applying for a position. A also hear many job speakers say,” I will take anything,” which is a career no, no. When most people say this, I immediately say we have a pooper scooper position available, and the look on their face is priceless. Sometimes the best career advice you will get will come from a higher power, don't underestimate the direction you will get when you ask a higher power.
Create More Structure During Your Job Search - If your entire day consists sitting in front of a computer and applying online, please stop right now and consider doing the following. No one has successfully secured their next job by just applying online. That strategy may have bee successful ten years ago, but now you must be engaged in multiple activities such as going to networking events, volunteering, and interacting with other job seekers. The main point is you don't know where your next opportunity is going to come from so you want to structure your day, so you will be available when the opportunity presents itself. One of the activities that most job seekers miss is joining a job club. A job club is an ongoing meeting that a job seeker would go to discuss their job search journey, share job search strategies with other job seekers, and look for new opportunities. I love job clubs because it brings people together with how they are also looking for a job, so the person doesn't feel alone.
- Keep Track Of Your Job Search Journey - The journey you are going to embark on will require a lot of documentation and reflection; thus keeping a journal of everything you do is an essential tool. Anytime I'm working with a client on our first day I give them a composition book for them to document everything from job leads to the emotion they are going through that day. Everything they are going through is for a reason, and I want them to capture it. Reason being when they finally secure a job on want then to go back and review the journal. Doing this gives to job speaker a higher sense of appreciation when we celebrate their new job!